IT Training, Staffing and IT Services Provider
Schaumburg | Des Plaines | Naperville IL, USA
Empower Clients Through IT
This course provides the knowledge and training to use new Big Data tools and techniques as well as learn ways of storing information that will allow for efficient processing and analysis for informed business decision-making. Further, you learn to store, manage, process and analyze massive amounts of unstructured data.
Courses: course topics and content can be customized based on client needs.
Master the concepts of Hadoop framework and its deployment in a cluster environment
Learn to write complex MapReduce programs
Perform Data Analytics using Pig & Hive
Acquire in-depth understanding of Hadoop Ecosystem including Flume, Apache Oozie workflow scheduler, etc.
Master advance concepts of Hadoop 2.0 : Hbase, Zookeeper, and Sqoop
Get hands-on experience in setting up different configurations of Hadoop cluster
Work on real-life industry based projects using Hadoop
Installing and Running Pig
The Pig Data Model
Basic Pig Latin
Advanced Pig Latin
Developing and Testing Scripts
Tuning Pig
Embedding Pig Latin in Python
Writing Evaluation and Filter Functions
Writing Load and Store Functions
Pig and and the Rest of the Hadoop Zoo
Built-in User Defined Functions and Piggybank
Describe how Apache Hive fits in the Hadoop ecosystem
Understand the data pipeline
Describe other SQL-on-Hadoop tools
Create tables and load data in Apache Hive
Create databases
Create simple, external, and partitioned tables
Alter and drop tables
Query data with Apache Hive
Query tables
Manipulate tables with UDFs
Combine and store tables
Understand how Apache ZooKeeper solves coordination issues in traditional distributed systems
Discover steps to set up and get started with ZooKeeper in a development environment in addition to production
Administer Apache ZooKeeper for real-world use and production workload
Zookeeper client commands
R Programming
Introduction to R and basic statistical methods using R commander
Basic elements of R programming and statistical methods
Essential R programming considerations and statistical methods
Understand Scala/Python and its implementation
Apply Lazy values, Control Structures, Loops, Collection, etc.
Learn the concepts of Traits and OOPS in scala
Understand Functional programming in scala
Get an insight into the BigData challenges
How spark acts as a solution to these challenges
Install spark and implement spark operations on spark shell
Understand what are RDDs in spark
Implement spark application on YARN (Hadoop)
Analyze Hive and Spark SQL Architecture
Gain an insight into the 'Roles' played by a mongoDB® expert.
Learn how to design Schema using Advanced Queries.
Troubleshoot Performance issues.
Understand mongoDB® Aggregation framework
Learn mongoDB® Backup and Recovery options and strategies
Understand scalability and availability in mongoDB® using Sharding
How to setup a replicated cluster, Managing ReplicaSets etc.
What is shards, Key, ConfigServer, Query Router etc.
How to setup Sharding
Various MongoDB® tools to develop and deploy your applications
Learn MongoDB® Administration activities
Health Check, Backup, Recovery, Performance tuning, etc.
Understand Hadoop and MongoDB Integration
Data Migration in MongoDB with Hadoop (MongoDB to Hive)
Learn to integrate MongoDB with tools like Jaspersoft and Pentaho
Integration of MongoDB with GUI Tool Robomongo
What are NoSQL and Graphic databases.
Examining basic graph modeling.
Using Cypher to query Neo4J.
Using paths to traverse multiple nodes.
Getting properties back from paths.
Using specific nodes
Creating entities
Deleting entities
Understand Cassandra and NoSQL domain.
Create Cassandra cluster for different kinds of applications.
Understand Apache Cassandra Architecture.
Design and model Applications for Cassandra.
Port existing application from RDBMS to Cassandra.
Learn to use Cassandra with various programming languages.
For more info contact ITEXPS