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PearsonVUE Exams

We are dedicated to promoting academic success by providing students with testing

services in a secure and professional manner.

All exams require valid photo identification. All exams require an appointment.  Appointments need to be scheduled online through PearsonVUE.  Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time for verification and processing. Read more about Exam policies.



Exam Policies

  • Upon arrival at the testing center, Test Candidates must present their personal identification bearing a photograph and signature.

  • Test candidates may not take recording devices such as paper/pencil, cameras, PDAs, computers, or communication devices such as cell phones, or pagers into the testing area.

  • Test candidates must not communicate with other test candidates either in the testing room, or in any other area of the testing facility during authorized testing breaks.

  • Test candidates must read and accept the terms of the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) presented prior to the start of the exam.

  • Test candidates must not remove exam content from the testing area and must not reproduce exam content outside of the testing area.

  • Test candidates must abide by the terms of the retake policy.

  • Test candidates found to have violated testing center rules may lose any existing certifications and may be made permanently ineligible for additional certifications.

Please Note: In certain circumstances, the computer on which a test candidate is taking the exam may stop responding or produce an error condition in which continuation of the exam would not be possible. If a test candidate experiences this or any other computer interruption, they must notify the proctor immediately to restart the exam. When the computer is restarted and/or the error condition resolved, the proctor will launch the software again and it will return them to the point at which the interruption occurred. The software will retain the exam progress and time remaining up to the point of termination, as long as the exam is resumed on the same computer in which it was started.


951 N Plum Grove Rd

Suite  A

Schaumburg IL 60173


Contact No:847-350-9034

Office Hours:

MON-SAT: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

SUN: closed

Branch Address:

1560 Wall Street.

Suite  111

Naperville, IL 60563

Entrance: back side of the building


Contact No:847-350-9034

Office Hours:

MON-SAT: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

SUN: closed

Branch Address:

O’Hare Lake Office Park
2400 East Devon Ave. Suite#257
Des Plaines, IL 60018

Entrance: Please enter from main gate (If door is locked - call 847 350 9034 X 1002).


Contact No:847-350-9034

                   Ext. 1002

Office Hours:

MON-SAT: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

SUN: closed

For additional info, please call

847- 350- 9034

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