IT Training, Staffing and IT Services Provider
Schaumburg | Des Plaines | Naperville IL, USA
Empower Clients Through IT
Python Programming Module
This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python.Once a student completes this course, they will be ready to take more advanced programming courses for IOT and Data Analytics.
Course Content
1. Introduction to Python
Understanding programming concepts
Setting up Python (installation)
Your first Python program (Hello, World!)
2. Variables and Data Types
Variables and data types (int, float, str, bool)
Variable assignment and naming conventions
Basic operations (arithmetic, string manipulation)
3. Control Structures
Conditional statements (if, elif, else)
Logical operators (and, or, not)
Loops (for, while)
Handling user input
4. Lists and Loops
Lists and list operations.
Iterating through lists
List comprehensions
Troubleshooting common errors
5. Functions
What are functions?
Defining and calling functions
Parameters and return values.
Scope and lifetime of variables
6. Files and Exception Handling
Reading and writing files
Exception handling (try, except)
Using 'with' statements for file handling
7. Dictionaries and Sets
Dictionaries and dictionary operations
Sets and sets operations.
Practical applications
8. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics
Introduction to OOP concepts
Classes and objects
Methods and attributes
Inheritance and encapsulation
9. Modules and Libraries
Importing modules
Using standard libraries
Installing and using third-party libraries (pip)
10. Introduction to Data Structures
Stacks, queues, and linked lists
Trees and graphs (basic concepts)
Choosing the right data structure
11. Final Project
Applying knowledge to a small project
Independent coding and problem-solving
Presentation and code review
Weekly quizzes or assignments
Midterm project
Final project presentation and code review.
Staffing Support
Resume Preparation
Mock Interview Preparation
Phone Interview Preparation
Face to Face Interview Preparation
Project/Technology Preparation
Internship with internal project work
Externship with client project work
Our Salient Features:
Hands-on Labs and Homework
Group discussion and Case Study
Course Project work
Regular Quiz / Exam
Regular support beyond the classroom
Students can re-take the class at no cost
Dedicated conf. rooms for group project work
Live streaming for the remote students
Video recording capability to catch up the missed class